FastAPI is a modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7 and above. It is built on top of Starlette, a lightweight ASGI framework, and uses the uvicorn ASGI server.

Here is an example of how to create a web server with FastAPI and uvicorn:

  1. Install FastAPI and uvicorn using pip:
pip install fastapi uvicorn
  1. Create a file called and import FastAPI:
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
  1. Define a function that will be the endpoint for your API. This function should have a request parameter that specifies the HTTP request and a response parameter that specifies the HTTP response. You can use the @app.get decorator to define a function as a GET endpoint:
def read_root(request, response):
    response.status_code = 200
    return {"Hello": "World"}
  1. Run the web server using uvicorn:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)

This will start the web server on the specified host and port (in this case, and 8000). You can then access the endpoint at

You can find more information about FastAPI and uvicorn in the FastAPI documentation and the Uvicorn documentation.