In Go, an interface is a type that defines a set of methods that a struct must implement in order to implement the interface. An interface defines the behavior or capabilities of a struct without specifying the implementation details. This allows different structs to implement the same interface in different ways, promoting loose coupling and flexibility in your code.

Here is an example of an interface in Go:

// Define an interface named Animal
type Animal interface {
    // Define a method named Speak that takes no arguments and returns a string
    Speak() string

In this example, the Animal interface defines a single method named Speak(), which takes no arguments and returns a string. Any struct that wants to implement the Animal interface must implement this Speak() method.

Here is an example of how a struct can implement the Animal interface:

// Define a struct named Dog
type Dog struct{}

// Implement the Speak method for the Dog struct
func (d *Dog) Speak() string {
    return "Woof!"

In this example, the Dog struct implements the Speak() method required by the Animal interface. This allows the Dog struct to be used wherever the Animal interface is expected.

Interfaces in Go are similar to abstract classes in other programming languages. They define a common contract that structs must adhere to in order to implement the interface, but they do not provide any implementation details. This allows multiple structs to implement the same interface in different ways, providing flexibility and reuse in your code.